“On your face, John!”, Lakshya slammed his fist on the desk, with the forefinger of the other hand pointing at John. There was utmost silence in the middle of the conference room, with every stakeholder of the company and a few managers sitting around the table looking at him. Lakshya was facing the founder and CEO, John Walter. One year earlier... Sitting in the dark room in the middle of the day, curtains down, lights off, Lakshya was lost in the crowd of adults. He didn't see the wrath of this cruel world coming at him. Chain of failures followed by devastating murder of his self-esteem, a twenty year old boy, with no shoulder on which he can lean upon was living in a strange place among stranger people. Family lived away, in their hometown. Despite being in the college of his dreams and being the topper in his high school, he was a loser. Because he didn’t know what was ahead of him. In his life. In his financial career. A special thing about him was that he never got comfortab...
Lakshya threw away the cheque given to him worth one lakh rupees in a trash can. He was walking away slowly, after turning his back. Hands inside the pocket, eyes looking down at the path, and mind wandering around the time when he received that check and the reason why he threw it. Ping Five days ago… *PING* “New Message Arrived.” “Electricity Bill due a week. Pay ASAP, otherwise the electricity will get cut down from next week” *PING* “New Message Arrived.” “hey, buddy. Remember I lend you ***** rupees, last month?? I’m gonna need it back, now.” *PING* *PING* *PING* Lakshya was in huge debt. He bought and used quite more than what he earned. His ignorance towards this problem was enough to make it worse. Money, if it doesn't offer you happiness, sure brings you pain, when gone. It was critical time now. He was totally occupied by finding a solution and to bring enough money to pay these debts. He went from asking a raise in his salary to finding some si...